Friday 19 May 2017

playing along K&P trail

I was walking the K&P trail near Harrowsmith again last week and checked on the iron pieces I had found and placed back in July (see July 10th 2016 post) on the rock cut.
Here are my comments from Sept 5th 2016
"I was back on the K&P trail Sept 5th and found the iron pieces left there along the rock cut. See my post from July 10th 2016. No one had moved or disturbed them (or taken them away). So I adjusted them again. I'll check for them again next time I'm that way."

Well, someone has moved them and placed them differently now. Exciting that someone is playing the game. I have changed their position again. Here is before and after.

 The above photo shows how I found them on May11th 2017
 This second photo shows how I have placed them now.

#harrowsmith #trail #infrontenac #ontario #hiking #sydenham 

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